2.“成骨细胞环状RNA014222对NFAT5表达的调控及其在种植体周围炎中的作用” 广东省医学科学技术 研究基金项目(A2016229),2016-2018年,主持。
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3. Ying Fang,Ye Bi ,Mubarak Ahmed Mashrah,Yucheng Su,Linhu Ge,Yu Dong,Lei Qin,Liping Wang*.Does sinus floor elevation in the presence of Schneiderian membrane pathology increase therisk of membrane perforation and implant failure rate?J Oral Implantol. 2022 Apr 1;48(2):147-157.
4. Janak Lal Pathak, Ying Fang, Yunxin Chen, Zhitong Ye, Xueqi Guo, Yongyong Yan, Jun Zha, Dongliang Liang, Xiuxian Ke, Luxi Yang, Wenxhao Zhong, Wang Lijing, Wang Liping,Down regulation of macrophage-specific Act-1 intensifies periodontitis and alveolar bone loss possibly via TNF/NF-kB signaling. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9:628139.