E-mail: yao_hongjie@gzlab.ac.cn
2002.09—2005.06 中国科学院植物研究所博士
1999.09—2002.06 山西农业大学硕士
1995.09—1999.06 山西农业大学 学士
2022.10至今 广州实验室 研究员、博士生导师
2011.10—2022.09 中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院研究员、博士生导师
2008.11—2011.10 美国国立卫生研究院 Research fellow
2006.11—2008.10 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 博士后
2005.11—2006.10 美国国立卫生研究院 博士后
姚红杰教授聚焦表观遗传在干细胞和肺癌发生发展的机制研究;利用生物化学、细胞生物学、三维基因组学及生物成像等技术手段,阐明表观遗传修饰和染色质动态变化调控细胞命运决定的分子机理。近年来,在表观遗传修饰调控细胞命运决定的二维层面上,阐明了CTCF及其互作因子DDX5通过调节组蛋白H2A泛素化修饰和R-loop进而调控多能干细胞获得的机理(Cell Stem Cell, 2017;Science Advances, 2020; Cell Reports, 2022);揭示了PCGF5介导H2A泛素化修饰调控SMAD2/TGF-β信号通路,进而调节胚胎干细胞神经分化的机理(Nature Communications, 2018)。在染色质高级结构调控细胞命运决定的三维层面上,筛选了调控染色质成环新因子(Nucleic Acids Research, 2020);揭示CTCF对其不同结合基序结合的特异性(Protein Cell, 2020);发现CTCF存在短的可变剪接体(CTCF-s),解析了CTCF-s通过改变染色质高级结构进而调控细胞凋亡的机理(Nature Communications, 2019);揭示了YY1通过调控不同层级的表观级联反应,进而调控超潜能干细胞命运决定的机理(Nucleic Acids Research,2022)。
1.Dong X, Guo R, Ji T, Zhang J, Xu J, Li Y, Sheng Y, Wang Y, Fang K, Wen Y, Liu B, Hu G, Deng H,Yao H*. YY1 safeguard multidimensional epigenetic landscape associated with extended pluripotency.Nucleic Acids Research2022. Apr 15: gkac230. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac230. (Breakthrough Article)
2.Song Y, Liang Z, Zhang J, Hu G, Wang J, Li Y, Guo R, Dong X, Babarinde IA, Ping W, Sheng YL, Li H, Chen Z, Gao M, Chen Y, Shan G, Zhang MQ, Shan G, Hutchins AP, Fu X-D*,Yao H*. CTCF functions as an insulator for somatic genes and a chromatin remodeler for pluripotency genes during reprogramming.Cell Reports2022. Apr 5;39(1):110626.(Recommended in Faculty Opinions as being of special significance in its field by Faculty Member Sridhar Rao)
3.Gong S, Hu G, Guo R, Yang Y, Zhang J, Li G,Yao H*. CTCF acetylation at lysine 20 is required for early cardiac mesoderm differentiation from embryonic stem cells.Cell Regeneration2022 Sep 19;11(1):34.
4.Xia Q, Cui G, Fan Y, Wang X, Hu G, Wang L, Luo X, Yang L, Cai Q, Xu K, Guo W, Gao M, Li Y, Wu J, Li W, Chen J, Qi H, Peng G,Yao H*. RNA helicase DDX5 acts as a critical regulator for survival of neonatal mouse gonocytes.Cell Proliferation2021 Mar 5:e13000.
5.Hu G, Dong X, Gong S, Song Y, Hutchins AP,Yao H*. Systematic Screening of CTCF Binding Partners Identifies that BHLHE40 Regulates CTCF Genome-wide Distribution and Long-range Chromatin Interactions.Nucleic Acids Research2020. Sep 25;48(17):9606-9620.
6.Li Y, Song Y, Xu W, Li Q, Wang X, Li K, Wang J, Liu Z, Velychko S, Ye R, Xia Q, Wang L, Guo R, Dong X, Zheng Z, Dai Y, Li H, Yao M, Xue Y, Schöler H.R., Sun Q*,Yao H*. R-Loops Coordinate with SOX2 in Regulating Reprogramming to Pluripotency.Science Advances2020. 6, Eaba0777.
7.Song Y, Hu G, Jia J, Yao M, Wang X, Lu W, Hutchins AP, Chen J, Ozato K,Yao H*. DNA Damage Induces Dynamic Associations of BRD4/P-TEFb With Chromatin and Modulates Gene Transcription in a BRD4-Dependent and -Independent Manner.Front Mol Biosci.2020. Dec 4;7:618088.
8.Li J, Huang K, Hu G,Babarinde IA, Li Y, Dong X, Chen Y-S, Shang L, Guo W, Wang J, Chen Z, Hutchins AP, Yang Y-G,Yao H*. An Alternative CTCF Isoform Antagonizes Canonical CTCF Occupancy and Changes Chromatin Architecture to Promote Apoptosis.Nature Communications2019. 10(1): 1535.(Highlighted by Nature Communications Editor).
9.Yao M, Zhou X, Zhou J, Gong S, Hu G, Li J, Huang K, Lai P, Shi G, Sun H, Wang H,Yao H*.PCGF5 is Required for Neural Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells.Nature Communications2018. 9(1):1463.
10.Ping W, Hu J, Hu G, Li H, Song Y, Xia Q, Yao M, Gong S, Jiang C*,Yao H*. Genome-wide DNA Methylation Analysis Reveals that Mouse Chemical iPSCsHave Closer Epigenetic Features to mESCs than OSKM-integrated-iPSCs.Cell Death & Disease2018. 9(2):187.
11.Li H, Lai P, Jia J, Song Y, Xia Q, Huang K, He N, Ping W, Chen J, Yang Z, Li J, Yao M, Dong X, Zhao J, Hou C, Esteban MA, Gao S, Pei D, Hutchins AP,Yao H*. RNA Helicase DDX5 Inhibits Reprogramming to Pluripotency by miRNA-based Repression of RYBP and its PRC1-dependent and -independent Functions.Cell Stem Cell2017. 20(4):462-477.(Previewed by Cell Stem Cell)
12.Li W, Shang L, Huang K, Li J, Wang Z,Yao H*. Identification of Critical Base Pairs Required for CTCF Binding in Motif M1 and M2.Protein & Cell2017. 8: 544-549.