

李卫,研究员,博士生导师,广州市妇女儿童医疗中心PI,优生围产研究所负责人。国家杰出青年基金获得者,科技部”中青年科技创新领军人才”入选者,国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目负责人。1998年和2003年于兰州大学获得学士及博士学位。20038月至20095月分别在清华大学生物科学与技术系和美国国立健康研究院NIDDK从事博士后研究。2009年中国科学院百人计划引进海外杰出人才,202112月担任广州妇女儿童医疗中心优生围产研究所负责人。李卫研究员主要从事生育力维持与重塑方面的研究,从干细胞维持与分化、减数分裂、配子成熟和体细胞-生殖细胞互作四方面系统深入地解析了不孕不育的发病机理,从而为生殖和衰老相关疾病的诊治提供新的靶点和思路。迄今已在NatureAdv SciNat CommunJ Cell BiolAm J Hum GenetEMBO JPNASCell ResNucleic Acids ResAutophagyCell Death Differ等杂志发表论文110余篇。担任动物学会生殖生物学委员会常委、中国妇幼保健协会生育力保存专业委员会常委、细胞生物学会细胞器生物学分会秘书长等职务,荣获教育部科技进步二等奖、妇幼健康研究会自然科学一等奖。







主要科研成果(#共同第一作者, *通讯作者):

1. Liu C#, Zhao HC#, Xiao S#, Han T, Chen Y, Wang T, Ma Y, Gao H, Xie Z, Du L, Li J, Li G*, Li W*. Slx5p-Slx8p promotes accurate chromosome segregation by mediating the degradation of synaptonemal complex components during meiosis. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2020 Jan 1;7(4):1900739. doi: 10.1002/advs.201900739.

2. Gao H, Khawar MB, Li W*. Essential role of autophagy in resource allocation during sexual reproduction. Autophagy. 2020 Jan;16(1):18-27. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1628543.

3. Hua R#, Wei H#, Liu C#, Zhang Y, Liu S, Guo Y, Cui Y, Zhang X, Guo X, Li W*, Liu M*. FBXO47 regulates telomere-inner nuclear envelope integration by stabilizing TRF2 during meiosis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019, Vol. 47, No. 22 11755-11770

4. Gu H#, Shi X#, Liu C#, Wang C, Sui N, Zhao Y, Gong J, Wang F, Zhang H, Li W*, Zhao T*. USP8 maintains embryonic stem cell stemness via deubiquitination of EPG5. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 1;10(1):1465. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09430-4.

5. Zhu F#, Liu C#, Wang F#, Yang X#, Zhang J, Wu H, Zhang Z, He X, Zhang Z, Zhou P, Wei Z, Shang Y, Wang L, Zhang R, Ouyang YC, Sun QY, Cao Y*, Li W*. Mutations in PMFBP1 Cause Acephalic Spermatozoa Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Aug 2;103(2):188-199.

6. Gao F#, Li G#, Liu C#, Gao H#, Wang H, Liu W, Chen M, Shang Y, Wang L, Shi J, Xia W, Jiao J, Gao F, Li J, Chen L*, Li W*. Autophagy regulates testosterone synthesis by facilitating cholesterol uptake in the Leydig cells. J Cell Biol. 2018 Jun 4;217(6):2103-2119. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201710078.

7. Wang L#, Tu Z#, Liu C#, Liu H, Kaldis P, Chen Z*, Li W*. Dual roles of TRF1 in tethering telomeres to the nuclear envelope and protecting them from fusion during meiosis. Cell Death Differ. 2018 Jan 8. doi: 10.1038/s41418-017-0037-8.

8. Shang Y, Zhu F, Wang L, Ouyang YC, Dong MZ, Liu C, Zhao H, Cui X, Ma D, Zhang Z, Yang X, Guo Y, Liu F, Yuan L, Gao F*, Guo X*, Sun QY*, Cao Y*, Li W*. Essential role for SUN5 in anchoring sperm head to the tail. eLlife. 2017 Sep 25;6. pii: e28199. doi: 10.7554/eLife.28199.

9. Liu C, Liu W, Ye Y, Li W*. Ufd2p synthesizes branched ubiquitin chains to promote the degradation of proteins modified with atypical ubiquitin chains. Nat Commun. 2017 Feb 6;8:14274. doi: 10.1038/ncomms14274.

10. Yang Y, Zhou C, Wang Y, Liu W, Liu C, Wang L, Liu Y, Shang Y, Li M, Zhou S, Wang Y, Zeng W, Zhou J, Huo R*, Li W*. The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF114 and TAB1 degradation are required for maternal-to-zygotic transition. EMBO Rep. 2017 Feb;18(2):205-216.

11. Liu C, Song Z, Wang L, Yu H, Liu W, Shang Y, Xu Z, Zhao H, Gao F, Wen J, Zhao L, Gui Y, Jiao J, Gao F, Li W*. Sirt1 regulates acrosome biogenesis by modulating autophagic flux during spermiogenesis in mice. Development. 2017 Feb 1;144(3):441-451.

12. Xu Z, Song Z, Li G, Tu H, Liu W, Liu Y, Wang P, Wang Y, Cui X, Liu C, Shang Y, de Rooij DG, Gao F, Li W*. H2B ubiquitination regulates meiotic recombination by promoting chromatin relaxation. Nucleic Acids Res.  2016 Nov 16;44(20):9681-9697.

13. Shang YL, Wang HN, Jia PF, Zhao HC, Liu C, Liu WX, Song ZH, Xu ZL,Yang L, Wang YF, Li W*. Autophagy regulates spermatid differentiation via degradation of PDLIM1. Autophagy. 2016 Sep;12(9):1575-92. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1192750.

14. Wen FP, Guo YS, Hu Y, Wang YT, Wang Q, Yu HY, Tang CM, Yang J, Zhou T, Sha JH, Guo XJ*, Li W*. Distinct temporal requirements for autophagy and proteasome in yeast meiosis. Autophagy. 2016 Apr 2;12(4):671-88.

15. Liu CWang HN, Shang YL, Liu WX, Song ZH, Zhao HC, Wang LN, Jia PF, Gao FY,  Xu ZL, Yang L, Gao F, Li W*. Autophagy is required for ectoplasmic specialization assembly in Sertoli cells. Autophagy. 2016 May 3;12(5):814-32.

16. Wang HN, Wan HF, Li XX, Liu WX, Chen Q, Wang YQ, Yang L, Duan EK, Tang HM, Zhang XJ, Zhao XY, Gao F*, Li W*. Atg7 is required for acrosome biogenesis during spermatogenesis in mice. Cell Res. 2014 Jul;24(7):852-69.

17. Li Y, Wu H, Wu W, Zhuo W, Liu W, Zhang Y, Cheng M, Chen YG, Gao N, Yu H, Wang L*, Li W*, Yang M*. Structural insights into the TRIM family of ubiquitin E3 ligases. Cell Res. 2014 Jun; 24(6):762-5.

18. Liu WX, Shang YL, Zeng Y, Liu C, Li YC, Zhai LH, Wang P, Lou JZ, Xu P, Ye Y*, Li W*. Dimeric Ube2g2 simultaneously engages donor and acceptor ubiquitins to form Lys48-linked ubiquitin chains. EMBO J. 2014 Jan 1;33(1):46-61.

19. Li W*, Tu D*, Li LY, Wollert T, Ghirlando R, Brunger AT, Ye Y. Mechanism of ubiquitin chain assembly on the active site cysteine of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ube2g2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Mar 10; 106(10):3722-7.

20. Li W, Tu D, Brunger A, Ye Y. (2007) An ubiquitin ligase transfers preformed polyqubiquitin chains from a conjugating enzyme to substrate. Nature 446(7133):333-7.    



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