

申翱,男,博士,广州医科大学南山学者引进人才、药学院副教授、博士研究生导师。国际心脏研究学会(ISHR)中国分会副秘书长,中国病理生理学会心血管青年委员会委员,广东省医学会医学科研实验室建设与管理学分会专业委员会委员。武汉大学生命科学学院生物学基地班专业理学学士、武汉大学生命科学学院微生物专业理学博士。曾为美国加州大学伯克利分校公共卫生学院传染病学系访问学者、武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室讲师、美国加州大学戴维斯分校医学院药理学系博士后。作为课题负责人或学术骨干先后获多项国家级项目资助,如科技部973计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家留学基金委联合培养博士奖学金、美国心脏学会AHA Postdoctoral Fellowship等。在Nature CommunicationseLifeJVIFASEB J等发表SCI论文多篇。




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82070406β1受体通过二聚体-单体转换引发心力衰竭时β受体信号异常的机制研究,2021/01-2024/1255万,在研,主持。

2. 广东省教育厅特色创新项目,2020KTSCX106,心脏中二聚化β1肾上腺素受体的关键作用及其对心力衰竭的影响,2021/01-2022/125万,在研,主持。

3. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2020A1515011158β受体亚群介导的β受体阻滞剂偏好性信号转导研究,2019/10-2022/0910万,在研,主持。

4. 广州医科大学高水平大学建设人才科研启动项目,B1950020090332018/10-2023/10100万,在研,主持。

5. 美国心脏协会(American Heart Association, AHA) WSA Postdoctoral Fellowship14POST20380053PKA and GRK phosphorylation define two distinct subpopulations of beta2 adrenoceptor in cardiomyocytes 2014/07-2016/07$86000,结题,主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31100128,人巨细胞病毒DNA引发酶UL70同宿主因子的相互作用研究。2012/01-2014/1222万,结题,主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,81030031,人巨细胞病毒复制必需蛋白与宿主细胞因子相互作用的生物学效应研究。2011/01-2014/12200万,结题,项目骨干。

8. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)2011CB504800,病毒潜伏感染的分子机制。2011/01-2015/12490万,结题,项目骨干。


2019 广州市高层次人才(广州市)

2018 南山学者(广州医科大学)

2007 联合培养博士奖学金(国家留学基金委)


1. Jun Chen, Guanlie Li, Haiqing He, Xin Li, Wenjing Niu, Di Cao, Ao Shen. Sumoylation of the carboxy-terminal of human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase processivity factor UL44 attenuates viral DNA replication. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, accepted

2. Bing Xu, Minghui Li, Ying Wang, Meimi Zhao, Stefano Morotti, Qian Shi, Qingtong Wang, Federica Barbagallo, Jian-Peng Teoh, Gopireddy R. Reddy, Elizabeth F. Bayne, Yongming Liu, Ao Shen, Jose L. Puglisi, Ying Ge, Ji Li, Eleonora Grandi, Madeline Nieves-Cintron, Yang K. Xiang. GRK5 controls SAP97-dependent cardiotoxic β1 adrenergic receptor-CaMKII signaling in heart failure. Circulation Research. 2020, 127:796–810.

3. Ao Shen, Dana Chen, Manpreet Kaur, Peter Bartels, Bing Xu, Qian Shi, Joseph M. Martinez, Kwun-nok Mimi Man, Madeline Nieves-Cintron, Johannes W. Hell, Manuel F. Navedo, Xi-Yong Yu, Yang K. Xiang. Xiang. β-blockers augment LTCC activity by targeting spatially restricted β2AR signaling in neurons. eLife. 2019, 8: e49464.

4. Joo Lee , Caitlin A. Taylor , Kristopher M. Barnes , Ao Shen, Emerson V. Stewart , Allison Chen , Yang K. Xiang, Zhirong Bao, Kang Shen. A Myt1 family transcription factor defines neuronal fate by repressing non-neuronal genes. eLife. 2019, 8: e46703.

5. Ao Shen, Madeline Nieves-Cintron , Yawen Deng , Qian Shi , Dhrubajyoti Chowdhury , Jinyi Qi , Johannes W. Hell , Manuel F. Navedo, Yang K. Xiang. Functionally distinct and selectively phosphorylated GPCR subpopulations co-exist in a single cell. Nature Communications. 2018, 9: 1050.

6. Tommaso Patriarchi#, Ao Shen#, Wei He, Mo Baikoghli, Holland R. Cheng, Yang K. Xiang, Matthew A. Coleman, Lin Tian. Nanodelivery of a functional membrane receptor to manipulate cellular behavior. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8(1): 3556. (#同等贡献)

7. Wei Zou, Xintong Dong, Timothy R. Broederdorf, Ao Shen, Daniel A. Kramer, Xing Liang, Rebecca Shi, David M. Miller, III, Yang K. Xiang, Ryohei Yasuda, Baoyu Chen, Kang Shen. A dendritic guidance receptor complex brings together distinct actin regulators to drive efficient F-actin assembly and branching. Developmental Cell. 2018, 45(3): 362.

8. Celine I. Maeder, Jae-Ick Kim, Xing Liang, Konstantin Kaganovsky, Ao Shen, Qin Li, Zhaoyu Li, Sui Wang, X.Z. Shawn Xu, Jin Billy Li, Yang K. Xiang, Jun B. Ding, Kang Shen. The THO complex coordinates transcripts for synapse development and dopamine neuron survival. Cell. 2018, 174(6):1436.

9. Qian Shi, Minghui Li, Delphine Mika, Qin Fu, Sungjin Kim, Jason Phan, Ao Shen, Gregoire Vandecasteele, Yang K. Xiang. Heterologous desensitization of cardiac β-adrenergic signal via hormone-induced βAR/arrestin/PDE4 complexes. Cardiovascular Research. 2017, 113(6): 656.

10. Wei Zou, Ao Shen, Xintong Dong, Madina Tugizova, Yang K. Xiang, Kang Shen. A multi-protein receptor-ligand complex underlies combinatorial dendrite guidance choices in C. elegans. eLife. 2016, 5: e18345.

11. Kamila Skieterska, Ao Shen, Dorien Clarisse, Pieter Rondou, Dasiel Oscar Borroto-Escuela, Beatrice Lintermans, Kjell Fuxe, Yang K. Xiang, Kathleen Van Craenenbroeck. Characterization of the interaction between the dopamine D4 receptor, KLHL12 and β-arrestins. Cellular Signalling. 2016, 28(8): 1001.

12. Hongyu Zhao, Ao Shen, Yang K. Xiang, David P. Corey. Three Engineered recombinant antibodies against recombinant tags with high affinity and specificity. PLoS ONE. 2016, 11(3): e0150125.

13. Jun Luo, Jun Chen, Edward Yang, Ao Shen, Hao Gong, Zenglin Pei, Gengfu Xiao, Songya Lu, Fenyong Liu. Modulation of the cellular distribution of human cytomegalovirus helicase by cellular factor Snapin. Journal of Virology. 2013, 87(19): 10628.

14. Yonggang Pei, Wenmin Fu, Edward Yang, Ao Shen, Yuan-chuan Chen, Hao Gong, Jun Chen, Jun Huang, Gengfu Xiao, Fenyong Liu. A Hsp40 chaperone protein interacts with and modulates the cellular distribution of the primase protein of human cytomegalovirus. PLoS Pathogens. 2012, 8(11): e1002968.

15. Ao Shen, Ji Lei, Edward Yang, Yonggang Pei, Chuan-Yuan Chen, Hao Gong, Gengfu Xiao, Fenyong Liu. Human cytomegalovirus primase UL70 specifically interacts with cellular factor Snapin. Journal of Virology. 2011, 85(22): 11732.

16. Yanni Chen, Ao Shen, Paul J. Rider, Yi Yu, Kailang Wu, Yongxin Mu, Qian Hao, Yingle Liu, Hao Gong, Ying Zhu, Fenyong Liu, Jianguo Wu. A liver-specific miRNA binds to a highly conserved RNA sequence of hepatitis B virus and negatively regulates viral gene expression and replication. The FASEB Journal. 2011, 25(12): 4511.

17. Aaron To, Yong Bai, Ao Shen, Hao Gong, Sean Umamoto, Sangwei Lu, Fenyong Liu. Yeast two hybrid analyses reveal novel binary interactions between human cytomegalovirus-encoded virion proteins. PLoS ONE. 2011, 6(4): e17796.

18. Mingxiong Guo, Tao Huang, Yejian Cui, Baiqun Pan, Ao Shen, Yuting Sun, Yourong Yi, Yan Wang, Gengfu Xiao, Guihong Sun. PrPC interacts with tetraspanin-7 through bovine PrP154-182 containing alpha-helix 1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2008, 365(1): 154.

19. Guihong Sun, Mingxiong Guo, Ao Shen, Fanghua Mei, Xiaoxue Peng, Rui Gong, Denyin Guo, Jianguo Wu, Po Tien, Gengfu Xiao. Bovine PrPC directly interacts with alphaB-crystallin. FEBS Letters. 2005, 579(24): 5419.

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