
Jules Hoffmann

Jules Hoffmann教授是斯特拉斯堡大学的终身教授以及法国国家科学院院士。他致力于昆虫天然免疫反应相关的基因以及分子通路机制研究。Jules Hoffmann教授课题组揭示了果蝇抵抗病原体入侵的天然免疫机制,其同行课题组之后发现此机制在哺乳动物上非常保守。这一重要发现使得人们重新审视天然免疫机制的重要性。由于这一重要发现,Jules Hoffmann教授与Bruce A. Beutler and Ralph M. Steinman同年被授予诺贝生理学或医学奖。

目前,Jules Hoffmann教授是广州医科大学广州霍夫曼免疫研究所的名誉所长以及科学委员会主席。从2018学年度开始正式招收博士研究生。欢迎具有分子生物学、细胞生物学以及免疫学教育背景的学生申报。表现优异者,可以申请斯特拉斯堡与广州医科大学双博士学位。



或李彦慧:xiaohui1204@hotmail.com    陈笛:chenseptember@outlook.com

Jules Hoffmann, Nobel laureate of 2011 Physiology or Medicine

Jules Hoffmann is professor at the University of Strasbourg and senior researcher at Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). He dedicated his work to the study of the genetic and molecular mechanisms responsible for innate immunity in insects. The work of Hoffman and associates has provided new insights into the defense mechanisms that organisms, from the most primitive up to humans, employ against infectious agents. By demonstrating the marked conservation of innate defense mechanisms between insects and humans, the work initiated by Hoffmann and his collaborators has led to a re-evaluation of the role of innate immunity in mammals. With Bruce A. Beutler and Ralph M. Steinman, Hoffmann was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2011.

Currently, as the Honorary Director and the President of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Sino-French Hoffmann Institute of Guangzhou Medical University, Professor Hoffmann is accepting PhD students from all over the world. Candidates who have been well trained with immunology, molecular biology and cell biology will be well considered. Depends on the performance, candidates will have chance to acquire doctoral degrees both from University de Strasbourg and Guangzhou medical University.

Please contact Guangzhou Medical University PhD recruitment system:

PhD recruitment instruction:

or Ms. Yanhui Li: xiaohui1204@hotmail.com

or Dr. Di Chen: chenseptember@outlook.com

©1958- 广州医科大学

