


宋兴荣,男,1966年出生,广州医科大学附属广州市妇女儿童医疗中心,主任医师,教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师教育工作经历:1992/09 - 1995/07中山大学医学院麻醉专业硕士导师:陈秉学;1985/09 - 1990/07江西医学院医疗系获学士;2009/11 -至今广州医科大学附属广州市妇女儿童医疗中心,麻醉科主任,主任医师,教授,硕士生导师;1995/7 -2009/11广东省人民医院心血管病研究所,麻醉科,主任医师;2006年到美国麻省总医院和波士顿儿童医院参观学习。




 1.申请人承担的课题项目:81671116,国家自然科学基金面上基金项目NRG1-ErbB4信号介导的NMDA受体紊乱在七氟醚神经毒性中的作用和机制研究,2017/01- 2020/12,59万元,在研,主持


3.主要参与人承担的课题项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,81503172,母体七氟醚暴露致子代情绪障碍:突触粘附分子β-neurexin/neuroligin 1的作用及机制,2016/01- 2018/12,17.9万元,在研,第一参与人


5.申请人承担的课题项目:广东省自然科学基金项目,2014A030313648,Alpha2受体激动剂抑制谷氨酸分泌降低利多卡因神经毒性机制研究,2014/10/01-2017/10/01, 10万元,结题,主持

6.申请人承担的课题项目:广东省承担政府特定任务项目,2011B061200001,钙振荡在七氟醚影响胎鼠海马神经元树突棘发育中的作用,2011/10/01 -2013/10/01, 5万元,已结题,主持


1.Zhao, T, Lu, J, Qin, J, Song XR*et al. Altered intestinal barrier contributes to cognitive impairment in old mice with constipation after sevoflurane anesthesia. Front Nutr. 2023; 10 1117028.  (IF=4)

2.Mo, X, Zhao, T, Chen, J, Song XR*et al. Programmed Intermittent Epidural Bolus in Comparison with Continuous Epidural Infusion for Uterine Contraction Pain Relief After Cesarean Section: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2022; 16 999-1009.  (IF=4.8)

3.Zhao, T, Shi, Z, Ling, N, Song XR*et al. Sevoflurane Ameliorates Schizophrenia in a Mouse Model and Patients: A Pre-Clinical and Clinical Feasibility Study. CURR NEUROPHARMACOL. 2022; 20 (12): 2369-2380.  (IF=5.3)

4.Guo, X, Xu, Y, Cui, Y, Song XR*et al. Fibroblast growth factor 3 contributes to neuropathic pain through Akt/mTOR signaling in mouse primary sensory neurons. NEUROTHERAPEUTICS. 2024; e00383. (IF=5.6)

5.Zhang, W, Chen, Y, Qin, J, Song XR*et al. Prolonged sevoflurane exposure causes abnormal synapse development and dysregulates beta-neurexin and neuroligins in the hippocampus in neonatal rats. J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2022; 312 22-29. (IF=6.6)

6.Zhao, B, Wei, X, Wang, Q, Song XR*,et al. Oriented co-continuous 3D porous scaffolds with inhibited activating functionality: An effective strategy to inhibit the hyperactivation of astrocytes MATER DESIGN. 2022; 213 110352. (IF=8.4)

7.Zhao, B, Li, Y, Wang, Q,Song XR*, et al. Ultra-slippery, nonirritating, and anti-inflammatory hyaluronic acid-based coating to mitigate intubation injury CHEM ENG J. 2022; 427 .(IF=15.1)

8.Li, BL, Guan, YP, Yuen, Song XR*, et al. Population Pharmacokinetics of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine in Infants and Young Children. ANESTHESIOLOGY. 2022; 137 (2): 163-175. (IF=9.918)

9.Zhao, T, Shi, Z, Song XR*, et al. Sevoflurane Ameliorates Schizophrenia in a Mouse Model and Patients: A Pre-Clinical and Clinical Feasibility Study. CURR NEUROPHARMACOL. 2022; 20 (12): 2369-2380. (IF=7.078)

10.Mo, X, Zhao, T, Song XR*,et al. Programmed Intermittent Epidural Bolus in Comparison with Continuous Epidural Infusion for Uterine Contraction Pain Relief After Cesarean Section: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2022; 16 999-1009.(IF=4.319)

11.Li, BL, Luo, H, Huang, Song XR* et al. Using intranasal dexmedetomidine with buccal midazolam for magnetic resonance imaging sedation in children: A single-arm prospective interventional study. Front Pediatr. 2022; 10 889369. (IF=3.569)

12.Zhao B , Li Y P , Wang Q , Song XR,et al. Ultra-slippery, Nonirritating, and Anti-inflammatory Hyaluronic Acid–Based Coating to Mitigate Intubation Injury[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021.(IF=13.273)

13.Zhao B , Pan Y , Xu H ,Song XR, et al. Wnt10a/β-catenin signalling is involved in kindlin-1-mediated astrocyte activation in a chronic construction injury rat model[J]. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021, 54(10).(IF=3.386)

14.Zhao B,We i XWang Q, Song XR,et al. Oriented co-continuous 3D porous scaffolds with inhibited activating functionality: An effective strategy to inhibit the hyperactivation of astrocytes. 2021.(IF=7.991)

15.Wang H Z , Wang L Y , Liang H H , Song XR,et al. Effect of caudal ketamine on minimum local anesthetic concentration of ropivacaine in children: a prospective randomized trial[J]. BMC Anesthesiology, 2020, 20(1).(IF=3.39)

16.Chen X, W Liu ,Song XR et al. Ropivacaine inhibits cervical cancer cell growth via suppression of the miR96/MEG2/pSTAT3 axis[J]. Oncology Reports, 2020, 43(5).(IF=3.417)

17.Zhao B , Zheng Z L ,Song XR , et al. Combination of nanolamellae and PDA coating on promoting the long-term adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of osteoblasts[J]. Polymer, 2020, 196:122462.(IF=4.231)

18.Zhao t , Yc B , Zs C ,Song XR et al. Prenatal sevoflurane exposure causes neuronal excitatory/inhibitory imbalance in the prefrontal cortex and neurofunctional abnormality in rats[J]. Neurobiology of Disease, 2020, 146.(IF=5.332)

19.Zhao B,Xu H,Gao Y,Song XR.Promoting the osteoblast proliferation of the polymer bone substitutes with bone-like structure by combining hydroxyapatite and bioactive glass.Materials Science and Engineering C 2019 Mar ;96:1-9.(IF=5.1)



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