



1. She S(佘生林), Deng Y, Chen Y, et al. Two-stage Integrated Care versus Antipsychotic Medication Alone on Outcomes of Schizophrenia: One-year Randomized Controlled Trial and Follow-up[J]. Psychiatry Research, 2017.(IF:2.477)

2. She S(佘生林),Li H, Ning Y, et al. Revealing the Dysfunction of Schematic Facial-Expression Processing in Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study of Different References[J].Frontiers in Neuroscience-Brain Imaging Methods,2017.(IF:3.398)

3. She S(佘生林), Yi W, Zhang B, et al. Worsening of myasthenia gravis after administration of antipsychotics for treatment of schizophrenia: A case report and review of literature[J]. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.2017. (IF:3)

4. She S(佘生林), Zhang B, Zheng Y*. Face-related visual search deficits in first-episode schizophrenia,2017 [J]. Psychiatry Research. (IF:2.477)

5.Zheng Y., Li H., Ning, Y., ... & She, S. (佘生林,通讯作者) Sluggishness of Early-Stage Face Processing (N170) Is Correlated with Negative and General Psychiatric Symptoms in Schizophrenia[J]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016. (IF:3.634)

6. She S(佘生林), Qijie K, Yingjun Z, Aripizole-induced tardive dyskinesia in patients with schizophrenia: A case report of twins, schizophrenia research[J]. 2017. 10.036(IF:3.99)

7. Zheng Y., Ning Y., She S(佘生林,Co-first Author) , Psychotic Symptoms and Attitudes toward Medication Mediate the Effect of Insight on Personal-social Functions in Patients with Schizophrenia: One-year Randomized Controlled Trial and Follow-up. Psychopathology. 2018.1. DOI: 10.1159/000486558(IF:1.061)

8. Yin G., She S. (佘生林,通讯作者), Zhao L, The dysfunction of processing emotional faces in schizophrenia revealed by expression-related visual mismatch negativity.Neuroreport. 2018 Jul 4;29(10):814-818. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001037.(IF:1.26)

9. She S(佘生林) . Bi T,, Zheng* Y Stimuli and memory load may have little impact on the visual working memory deficit in first-episode schizophrenia. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019 Feb 18;15:481-489. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S188645. eCollection 2019. (IF:2.195)

10.Wu H, Zheng Y, Zhan Q, Dong J, Peng H, Zhai J, Zhao J, She S(佘生林,通讯作者), Wu C (2019).Covariation between spontaneous neural activity in the insula and affective temperaments is related to sleep disturbance in individuals with major depressive disorder. Psychological Medicine 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291719003647(IF:5.811)

11. Huawang Wu, Chao Wu, Fengchun Wu, Qianqian Zhan, Hongjun Peng,Jiaojian Wang, Jingping Zhao, Yuping Ning, Yingjun Zheng, Shenglin She(佘生林,通讯作者) Covariation between Childhood-Trauma Related Resting-State Functional Connectivity and Affective Temperaments is Impaired in Individuals with Major Depressive DisorderNeuroscience2020(IF:3.056)

12. Qiu Y, She S(佘生林,Co-first Author), Zhang S, Wu F, Liang Q, Peng Y, Yuan H, Ning Y, Wu H, Huang R. Cortical myelin content mediates differences in affective temperaments. J Affect Disord 2021, 282: 1263-1271.(IF:3.89)

13. Liu Yi, Bi Taiyong, Zhang Bei, Kuang Qijie, Li Haijing, Zong Kunlun, Zhao Jingping, Ning Yuping, She Shenglin(佘生林,通讯作者), Zheng Yingjun. Face and object visual working memory deficits in first-episode schizophrenia correlate with multiple neurocognitive performances. General Psychiatry. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/gpsych-2020-100338.

14.Wu, C., Zheng, Y., Li, J., Wu, H., She, S., Liu, S., ... & Li, L. (2016). Brain substrates underlying auditory speech priming in healthy listeners and listeners with schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 1-16.

15. Wu, H., Sun, H., Xu, J., Wu, Y., Wang, C., Xiao, J.She S., .. & Lu, X. (2016). Changed hub and corresponding functional connectivity of subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 10

16. Zheng, Y., Wu, C., Li, J., Wu, H., She, S., Liu, S., ... & Li, L. (2016). Brain substrates of perceived spatial separation between speech sources under simulated reverberant listening conditions in schizophrenia. Psychological medicine, 46(03), 477-491.

17. Wu, C., Zheng, Y., Li, J., Zhang, B., Li, R., Wu, H., She, S.,. & Li, L. (2017). Activation and Functional Connectivity of the Left Inferior Temporal Gyrus during Visual Speech Priming in Healthy Listeners and Listeners with Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11

18. Li J, Wu C. Zheng Y, Li R, Li X, She S...Li L. (2017). Schizophrenia affects speech-induced functional connectivity of the superior temporal gyrus under cocktail-party listening. Neuroscience. 2017 Sep 17;359:248-257. doi: 10.1016

19. Wu Y., Zhang F., Makris N, Ning Y., Norton I., She S., Investigation into local white matter abnormality in emotional processing and sensorimotor areas using an automatically annotated fiber clustering in major depressive disorder.Neuroimage. 2018 Jul 6;181:16-29. doi: 10.1016

20. Zheng, Y., Wu, C., Li, R., Peng, H., She, S., Schizophrenia alters intra-network functional connectivity in the caudate for detecting speech under informational speech masking conditions.

BMC Psychiatry. 2018 Apr 4;18(1):90. doi: 10.1186/s12888-018-1675-1.


1.佘生林, 郑英君, 任建娟, . 精神分裂症患者血清性激素水平及其与临床特征的相关性[J]. 临床精神医学杂志, 2014, 24(1): 47-48.

2.佘生林, 唐牟尼, 骆雄, . 生活习惯及社会心理因素对广州市社区老人认知功能的影响[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2014, 35(6): 108-111.

3.佘生林, 易文英, 范敏珍, . 精神分裂症稳定期个人与社会功能水平影响因素研究[J]. 河北医药, 2013, 35(24): 3749-3750.

4.佘生林.郑英君,易文英,精神分裂症患者童年创伤的发生率及相关影响, [J]. 广东医学, 2013.16

5.佘生林, 翁穗芸,许燕 . 复发住院精神分裂症患者药物依从性的影响因素分析[J]. 临床精神医学杂志, 2018, 28(2): 84-87.


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