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2.   Miao L, Zhuo Z, Tang J, et al. FABP4 deactivates NF-κB-IL1α pathway by ubiquitinating ATPB in tumor-associated macrophages and promotes neuroblastoma progression[J]. Clin Transl Med,2021,11(4):e395(并列第一)

3.  Tang J, Zhang D, Xu YY, et al. Clinical characteristics and therapeutic outcomes of mediastinal neuroblastoma with intraspinal extension: a retrospective study. Translational pediatrics 2021; 10(4): 715-22.

4.     Tang J, Lu H, Yang Z, et al. Associations between WTAP gene polymorphisms and neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese children. Translational pediatrics 2021; 10(1): 146-52

5. Lin A, Hua RX, Tang J, et al. KRAS rs7973450 A>G increases neuroblastoma risk in Chinese children: a four-center case-control study. OncoTargets and therapy 2019; 12: 7289-95.(并列第一)

6.     Tang J, Liu W, Zhu J, et al. RSRC1 and CPZ gene polymorphisms with neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese children. Gene 2018; 662: 83-7.

7.     Tang J, Qian Y, Zhu J, et al. Lack of associations between AURKA gene polymorphisms and neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese children. Bioscience reports 2018; 38(3).

8.     Tang J, Zhang D, Liu W, Zeng JX, Yu JK, Gao Y. Differentiation between cystic biliary atresia and choledochal cyst: A retrospective analysis. Journal of paediatrics and child health 2018; 54(4): 383-9.

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