罗喜平,妇科主任,国家二级主任医师,教授,博士研究生导师,国务院特殊津贴获得者。主持及参加省级以上科研项目20余项,获得国家专利6项、广东省科技进步二等奖2项、三等奖1项(排名第一),全国妇幼健康科学技术奖二等奖一项(排名第二),发表包括SCI等科研论文50余篇。 先后获得“岭南名医”、“广东好人”、“广东省五一劳动奖章”、住院医师规范化培训“优秀专业基地主任”。
2)宫颈细胞的DNA甲基化在宫颈癌筛查中对高危型HPV16、18感染者分流作用的研究 广东省科技厅
3)靶向性抗宫颈癌细胞免疫治疗技术开发及其产业化 广东省科技厅 粤港联合创新
4)miRNA与高级别宫颈上皮内瘤变及宫颈癌预后关系的临床 市科技和信息化局
5)诺舒阻控制子宫内膜切除系统治疗月经过多的临床应用和基础研究 广东省科技厅
6)microRNA靶位点SNPs在宫颈癌发生发展中作用的研究 广东省自然科学基金
3)一种新型充气式阴道模具,ZL 2010 2 0674787.7
4)一体化简易单孔腹腔镜套管,ZL 2010 2 0674788.1
5)腹腔镜防堵塞冲洗吸引器,ZL 2009 2 0052214.8
(1)Wen, B, Xp L, L, Zeng, Z, et al. MYL9 promotes squamous cervical cancer migration and invasion by enhancing aerobic glycolysis. J INT MED RES. 2023; 51 (11).(通讯作者)IF:1.6
(2)Chen, G, Hong, X, He, W, Ou, L, Chen, B, Zhong, W, Lin, Y, Luo, X. The construction and analysis of tricarboxylic acid cycle related prognostic model for cervical cancer. Front Genet. 2023-01-01; 14 1092276.(通讯作者)IF:3.7
(3)He, L, Luo, X, Bu, Q, Jin, J, Zhou, S, He, S, Zhang, L, Lin, Y, Hong, X. PAX1 and SEPT9 methylation analyses in cervical exfoliated cells are highly efficient for detecting cervical (pre)cancer in hrHPV-positive women. J OBSTET GYNAECOL. 2023-12-01; 43 (1).(通讯作者)IF:1.3
(4)Bu, Q, Luo, X, He, L, Ma, J, He, S, Lei, W, Zhou, W, Deng, H, Lin, Y, Zhang, L, Hong, X. Septin9 DNA methylation as a promising biomarker for cervical cancer. J OBSTET GYNAECOL. 2023-12-01; 43 (1).(通讯作者)IF:1.3
(5)Li, H, Liao, S, Luo, G, Li, H, Wang, S, Li, Z, Luo, X. An Association between EMX2 Variations and Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome: A Case-Control Study of Chinese Women. J HEALTHC ENG. 2022-01-01.(通讯作者)IF:3.8
(6)Hong, X, Wen, B, Zhang, H, Li, Y, Wu, H, Zhao, W, Luo, X. Biological effects of NODAL on endometrial cancer cells and its underlying mechanisms. EXP THER MED. 2021-04-01; 21 (4).(通讯作者)IF:2.447
(7)Li, M, Liu, T, Luo, G, Sun, X, Hu, G, Lu, Y, H Xu, R, Zou, H, Luo, X. Incidence, persistence and clearance of cervical human papillomavirus among women in Guangdong, China 2007-2018: A retrospective cohort study. J INFECT PUBLIC HEAL. 2021-01-01; 14 (1): 42-49.(通讯作者)IF:3.718
(8)Nie, H, Zhang, L, Luo, X. Clinical efficacy of letrozole and clomiphene in the treatment of infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. PANMINERVA MED. 2021-12-03.(通讯作者)IF:5.197
(9)Yan, L, Huang, H, Zhang, Y, Yuan, X, Yan, Z, Cao, C, Luo, X. Involvement of p53-dependent apoptosis signal in antitumor effect of Colchicine on human papilloma virus (HPV)-positive human cervical cancer cells. BIOSCIENCE REP. 2020-03-27; 40 (3).(通讯作者)IF:3.8
(10)Sun, X, Luo, X, Cao, G, Zhao, C, Xiao, J, Liu, X, Dong, M, Wang, J, Zeng, W, Guo, L, Wan, D, Ma, W, Liu, T. Associations of ambient temperature exposure during pregnancy with the risk of miscarriage and the modification effects of greenness in Guangdong, China. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON. 2020-02-01.(通讯作者)IF:5.589
(11)Luo, G, Sun, X, Li, M, Liu, T, Hu, G, He, Y, Mao, L, Yan, L, Xie, L, Zou, H, Luo, X. Cervical human papillomavirus among women in Guangdong, China 2008-2017: Implication for screening and vaccination. J MED VIROL. 2019-10-01; 91 (10).(通讯作者)IF:2.049
(12)Huang, X, Zhong, R, Tan, X, Zeng, L, Jiang, K, Mei, S, Ye, Z, Luo, X. Conservative Management of Retroperitoneal Ectopic Pregnancy by Computed Tomographic-guided Methotrexate Injection in the Gestational Sac: 2 Case Reports and Literature Review. J MINIM INVAS GYN. 2019-01-01; 26 (6).(通讯作者)IF:3.107
(13)Bu, Q, Wang, S, Ma, J, Zhou, X, Hu, G, Deng, H, Sun, X, Hong, X, Wu, H, Zhang, L, Luo, X. The clinical significance of FAM19A4 methylation in high-risk HPV-positive cervical samples for the detection of cervical (pre)cancer in Chinese women. BMC Cancer. 2018-11-29; 18 (1): 1182. (通讯作者)IF:3.288
(14)Sun, X, Luo, X, Zhao, C, Zhang, B, Tao, J, Yang, Z, Ma, W, Liu, T. The associations between birth weight and exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and its chemical constituents during pregnancy: A meta-analysis. ENVIRON POLLUT. 2016-04-01; 211 38-47. (通讯作者)IF:4.839
(15)Li, L, Mo, H, Zhang, J, Zhou, Y, Peng, X, Luo, X. The Role of Heat Shock Protein 90B1 in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PLoS One. 2016-01-01; 11 (4): e0152837. (通讯作者)IF:3.234
(16)Xiaoli Sun, Xiping Luo, Chunmei Zhao, Bo Zhang,Jun Tao,Zuyao Yang.The association between birth weight and exposure to fine particulate matter(PM2.5) and its chemical constituents during pregnancy:Ameta-analysis.Eironmental Pollution211(2016)38-47.(通讯作者)IF:4.839
(17)Li Li1, Xiping Luo Hui Mo, Jing Zhang and.Yongxian Zhou.The role of Heat Shock Protion 90B1 in Patients with Po;ycystic Ovary Syndrome.PLOS.april 5 2016.(通讯作者)IF:3.234
(18)Yong xiu Chen,Xiaochang Tan Yongli Ding,Bi Mai,Xiaowen Huang Guiying Hu and Xiping Luo.WWOX CNV-67048 Functions as a Rick Factor for Epithelial Ovarion Cancer in Chinese Women by Negatively Interacting with Oral Contraceptive Use.BioMed Research International Volume 2016(2016),Article ID 4594039,7.(通讯作者)IF:2.14
(19)Xiaoli Sun, Xiping Luo, Chunmei Zhao, Rachel Wai Chung Ng, Chi Eung Danforn Lim, Bo Zhang,Tao Liu.The association between fine particulate matter exposure during pregnancy and preterm birth: a meta-analysis.BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth .2015;15:300.(通讯作者)IF:2.19
(20)Chi Eung Danforn Lim, Xiping Luo ,Xinlin Zhan and Wu Shun Felix Wong.ACUPCOS:Acupuncture&PCOS–A Multi-Centres Randomised Controlled Trial.International Journal of Gynecological and Obstetrical Research.2014, Vol. 2, No. 1.(通讯作者)IF:1.86
(21)Chi Eung Danforn Lim, Xiping Luo , Xinlin Zhan, Wu Shun Felix Wong , Rachel Wai Chung Ng and Ke Xu.Chinese Ladies with PCOS:What do they worry about? International Journal of Gynecological and Obstetrical Research.2014, Vol. 2, No. 1.(通讯作者)IF:1.86
(22)Luo X P, Hong X S, et al. A single nucleotide polymorphism in EXO1 gene is associated with cervical cancer susceptibility in Chinese patients[J]. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 2012, 22(2): 220-225.(通讯作者)IF:4.7
(23)Luo X P, Lim C E D, et al. Hysteroscopic appearance of endometrial cavity after microwave endometrial ablation[J]. Journal of minimally invasive gynecology, 2010, 17(1): 30-36.(第一作者)IF:4.3
(24)Xiong X D, Zeng L Q, Xiong Q Y, Luo X P et al. Association between the CDC6 G1321A polymorphism and the risk of cervical cancer[J]. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 2010, 20(5): 856-861.(通讯作者)IF:4.7
(25)Luo X P, Lim C E D, et al. Heterotopic pregnancy following in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: 12 cases report[J]. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2009, 280(2): 325-329.(第一作者)IF:2.5
(26)Wong V C K, Lim C E D, Luo X P,et al. Current alternative and complementary therapies used in menopause[J]. Gynecological Endocrinology, 2009, 25(3): 166-174.(通讯作者)IF:2.3
(27)Yii M F, Lim C E D, Luo X P,et al. Polycystic ovarian syndrome in adolescence[J]. Gynecological Endocrinology, 2009, 25(10): 634-639.(通讯作者)IF:2.3
3)《妇产科危急重症救治》 2011年,人民卫生出版社排名第三
4)2019年 “HPV致宫颈癌大数据流行病学分析及免疫遗传学机制研究与转化应用”获得全国妇幼健康科学技术奖二等奖
5)2022年“广东省宫颈癌 防治工程项目关键技术创新及实践成效”获得广东省科技进步二等奖,排名第二。