【个人简介】广州医科大学附属第三医院生殖中心副主任医师,讲师,香港大学博士研究生。长期从事辅助生殖的临床和科研工作,擅长生殖内分泌、子宫内膜各种疾患、反复种植失败的诊治。广东省医学会生殖医学分会青年委员会委员,广东省抗癌协会肿瘤生育力保护专业委员会委员,广州市医学会生殖医学分会委员兼秘书。《Human Reproduction Update中文版》青年编委,广州市高层次人才青年后备人才、广州市卫健委优秀人才。主持国自然、省自然等各级科研基金9项。以第一作者和通讯作者身份发表SCI论文10余篇,包括中科院一区文章3篇,获得国家发明专利1项。
(1)Sichen Li, Yao Long, Chunyan Wang, Rui Yang, Junye Lv, Zixin Chen, Jianqiao Liu, Haiying Liu, Mingzhu Cao. Improved reproductive outcomes in normogonadotropic oligomenorrheic women undergoing ovarian stimulation with intrauterine insemination: a retrospective cohort analysis of real-world data. Front Endocrinol. 2024, 15:1441796. (通讯作者)
(2)Mingzhu Cao, Qiwang Lin, Zhi Liu, Yanshan Lin, Qing Huang, Yang Fu, Yang Zhang, Hang Shi, Chongyang Duan, Haiying Liu, Jianqiao Liu. Optimized personalized management approach of moderate/severe OHSS: development and prospective validation of OHSS risk-assessment index. Human Reproduction, 2024, 39(10):2320-2330.
(3)Mingzhu Cao, Yuqi Hu, Jiaqi Xiao, Sichen Li, Yanshan Lin, Jianqiao Liu, Haiying Liu. Effectiveness and safety of GnRH antagonist originator and generic in real-world clinical practice: a retrospective cohort study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2024, 15:1358278.
(4)Mingzhu Cao, Zhi Liu, Danming You, Yingying Pan, Qingyan Zhang. TMT-based quantitative proteomic analysis of spheroid cells of endometrial cancer possessing cancer stem cell properties. Stem Cell Res Ther, 2023, 14(1):119.
(5)Mingzhu Cao, Yixuan Wu, Yanshan Lin, Zijin Xu, Zhu Liang, Qing Huang, Sichen Li, Hanyan Liu, Chunyan An, Yiqun Luo, Haiying Liu, Jianqiao Liu. Inactivated Covid-19 vaccine did not undermine live birth and neonatal outcomes of women with frozen-thawed embryo transfer. Human Reproduction, 2022, 2024, 37(12):2942-2951.
(6)Yixuan Wu, Mingzhu Cao, Yanshan Lin, Zijin Xu, Zhu Liang, Qing Huang, Sichen Li, Lei Li, Yaming Meng, Chunyan An, Haiying Liu, Jianqiao Liu. Inactivated COVID-19 vaccination does not affect in vitro fertilization outcomes in women. Human Reproduction, 2022, 37(9): 2054-2062. (共一)
(7)Mingzhu Cao, Zhi Liu, Yanshan Lin, Yiqun Luo, Sichen Li, Qing Huang, Haiying Liu, Jianqiao Liu. A personalized management approach of OHSS: Development of a multiphase prediction model and smartphone-based app. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2022.
(8)Sichen Li, Mingzhu Cao, Hanyan Liu, Yuxia He, Jianqiao Liu*. Management of 14 patients with cornual heterotopic pregnancy following embryo transfer: experience from the past decade. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 2021, 19(1):152. (共一)
(9)Mingzhu Cao, Yingying Pan, Qingyan Zhang, Danming You, Shuying Feng*, Zhi Liu*. Predictive value of live birth rate based on different intrauterine adhesion evaluation systems following TCRA. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 2021, 19(1):1-13.
【获得奖励】2024 年中国医药教育协会病例分享项目全国总决赛第二名;2023 年广东省医药院校教师教学创新大赛高级组二等奖;2022年广东省医学会第十二次生殖医学学术会议优秀论文。