





1991/9 - 1996/7,皖南医学院,临床医学,本科学士


2014/1-2020. 10,广州医科大学,附属市八医院,副主任技师,传染病研究所负责人 

2011/11-2013/12UNC-Chaple Hill, 医学院传染病系,博士后(合作导师:Stanley Lemon) 

2008/7 -2011/10,广州医科大学,附属市八医院,副主任技师 



科研项目和成果近3年来主持课题4项,撰写相关学术论文多篇,其中一作或通讯作者SCI 论文13篇。


1. 项目类别:广东省科技厅重点领域研发计划项目;批准号:2020B1111330002;题目:“新冠病原现场快速检测关键技术的研发”(子课题2); 研究起止年月:2020/06/01-2021/05/31;获资助金额:150万元,项目状态:在研、子课题负责人

2. 项目类别:广州市科技计划项目;批准号:202002030028;题目:“HBV缺失突变与HIV/HBV合并感染者免疫重建延缓的关系及机制研究”; 研究起止年月:2020/04/01-2023/03/31;获资助金额:20万元,项目状态:在研、课题负责人

3. 项目类别:科技部“十三.五”国家科技重大专项“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”项目;批准号:2017ZX10202101-001-003;题目:艾滋病综合治疗方案的优化及推广应用研究(任务3);研究起止年月:2017/01-2020/12;获资助金额:77.92万,项目状态:在研(因新冠疫情延期)、任务级课题负责人;

4. 项目类别:广州市健康医疗协同创新重大专项;批准号:201704020219;题目:“性传播疾病防控新技术研究和应用”; 研究起止年月:2017/03-2020/02;获资助金额:35万元,项目状态:在研(因新冠疫情延期)、分课题负责人。


1. Yuan Nie #, Xizi Deng# ,Yun Lan ,Linghua Li, Feng Li*, Fengyu Hu*. Comparison and Correlation of Genetic Variability of the HBV Pre-S Region in HIV/HBV Co-Infected Patients: Quasispecies Perspective. Infection and Drug Resistance 2020:13 4327–4334

2. Li L#, Liang Y#, Hu F#, Yan H, Li Y, Xie Z, Huang L, Zhao J, Wan Z, Wang H, Shui J, Cai W, Tang S. Molecular and serological characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infection among COVID-19 patients. Virology. 2020;551:26-35.

3. Hu F#, Chen F#, Ou Z#, Fan Q, Tan X, Wang Y, Pan Y, Ke B, Li L, Guan Y, Mo X, Wang J, Wang J, Luo C, Wen X, Li M, Ren P, Ke C, Li J, Lei C, Tang X, Li F. A compromised specific humoral immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain is related to viral persistence and periodic shedding in the gastrointestinal tract. Cell Mol Immunol. 2020;17(11):1119-1125

4. Lan Y, He X, Xin R, Li L, Huang X, Deng X, Tang X, Jia W, Cai W, Hu F*.  Genetic Characteristics of HIV-1 CRF12_BF First Identified in Guangdong Province, China. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021;37(2):157-161

5. Nie Y, Lan Y, Deng XZ, Li LH, Cai WP, Li F, Hu FY*. Assessing the association between platelets and immune recovery in HIV/HBV co-infected patients: A long-term cohort in Asia. Infect Genet Evol. 2020;84:104480

6. Nie Y, Deng XZ, Lan Y, Li F, Hu FY*. Pre-S Deletions are Predominant Quasispecies in HIV/HBV Infection: Quasispecies Perspective. Infect Drug Resist. 2020;13:1643-1649.

7. Lan Y, Xin R, Cai W, Deng X, Li L, Li F, Cai X, Tang X, Fan Q, Hu F*. Characteristics of drug resistance in HIV-1 CRF55_01B from ART-experienced patients in Guangdong, China. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020;75(7):1925-1931.

8. Wan Z#, Liu J#, Hu F# (co-First author), Shui J, Li L, Wang H, Tang X, Hu C, Liang Y, Zhou Y, Cai W, Tang S. Evidence that the second human pegivirus (HPgV-2) is primarily a lymphotropic virus and can replicate independent of HCV replication.Emerg Microbes Infect. 2020;9(1):485-495

9. Weilie Chen, Yun Lan, Xiaozhen Yuan, Xilong Deng , Yueping Li , Xiaoli Cai , Liya Li , Ruiying He, Yizhou Tan, Xizi Deng , Ming Gao , Guofang Tang , Lingzhai Zhao , Jinlin Wang , Qinghong Fan , Chunyan Wen , Yuwei Tong , Yangbo Tang , Fengyu Hu* co-Corresponding author, Feng Li*, Xiaoping Tang*. Detectable 2019-nCoV Viral RNA in Blood Is a Strong Indicator for the Further Clinical Severity . Emerg Microbes Infect,  2020,9 (1):469-473.

10. Gao M, Feng C, Ying R, Nie Y, Deng X, Zhu Y, Tang X, Guan Y, Hu F*(co-Corresponding author), Li F*. A novel one-step quantitative reverse transcription PCR assay for selective amplification of hepatitis B virus pregenomic RNA from a mixture of HBV DNA and RNA in serum. Arch Virol. 2019;164(11):2683-2690.

11. Li T, Lan Y, Li F, Li H, Deng H, Liu Y, Wang X, Han J, Jia L, Li J, Hu F* (co-Corresponding author), Li L. Characterization of Four Nearly Full-Length Genomic Sequences of HIV-1 Subtype G Identified in Guangdong Province, China. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019;35(7):668-672

12. Jia L#, Hu F# (co-First author), Li H, Li L, Tang X, Liu Y, Deng H, Han J, Li J, Cai W. Characterization of small genomic regions of the hepatitis B virus should be performed with more caution. Virol J. 2018;15(1):188.

13. Deng H, Deng X, Liu Y, Xu Y, Lan Y, Gao M, Xu M, Gao H, Wu X, Liao B, Chen W, Zhao M, Hu F* (co-Corresponding author), Wang Z*. Naturally occurring antiviral drug resistance in HIV patients who are mono-infected or co-infected with HBV or HCV in China. J Med Virol. 2018;90(7):1246-1256.

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