

刘宁宁,女,副研究员,医学博士,博士研究生导师。广州医科大学附属第二医院科研科副科长,心血管疾病研究所办公室主任。现任广东省病理生理学会第一届心血管专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员,广东省药理学会心血管药理专业委员会常务委员,广东省药理学会内分泌代谢病药理专业委员会常务委员,广东省医院协会第一届血栓与栓塞性疾病防治管理专业委员会委员,广东省精准应用学会心脏康复分会委员,广东省病理生理学会第一届心血管专业委员会委员,广东省生理学会第一届心血管专业委员会青委会委员,广州市医学会心血管病学分会第十一届委员会委员。国家自然科学基金青年项目专家库成员,广东省科技厅基础与应用基础研究项目专家库成员、广州市科技专家库成员,国内核心期刊《实用医学》杂志审稿人,国内期刊《血栓与止血学》杂志常务编委。近年来先后荣获首批“广东省杰出青年医学人才”、“广州市高层次人才青年后备人才”、“广州市高层次卫生人才医学重点人才”、“广州市珠江科技新星”、广州医科大学“南山学者”及“学术骨干”、“广州医科大学优秀研究生教育管理工作先进个人”、“广州医科大学第二临床学院优秀研究生导师”等称号。主持国家及省市级项目10余项。在泛素-蛋白酶体系统与疾病研究领域发表SCI研究论文50余篇,其中以第一作者(包括共同第一作者)和通讯作者(包括共同通讯作者)在CellResearch、Cell Discovery、Oncogene、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Cell Death & Disease、Cell Death Discovery、Journal of celluar and molecular medicine、Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications、Cell Reports、Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry等国际重要专业杂志发表相关SCI论文30余篇。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果自然科学奖二等奖、广州市科学技术进步奖一等奖、中华医学科技奖叁等奖,申请国家发明专利2项。





(1)Xu Q#, Liu M#, Gu J, Ling S, Liu X, Luo Z, Jin Y, Chai R, Ou W, Liu S*,Liu N*. “Ubiquitin-specific protease 7 regulates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury by stabilizing Keap1”Cell Death Discovery. 2022 Jun 16;8(1):291.

(2)Xia X#, Liu X#, Chai R#, Xu Q, Luo Z, Gu J, Jin Y, Hu T, Yu C, Du B, Huang H, Ou W, Liu S*,Liu N*. “USP10 exacerbates neointima formation by stabilizing Skp2 protein in vascular smooth muscle cells.”Journal of biological chemistry. 2021 Sep 29;297(5):101258.

(3)Gu J#, Chen X#, Jin Y, Liu M, Xu Q, Liu X, Luo Z, Ling S,Liu N*, Liu S*. A Neonatal Mouse Model for Pressure Overload: Myocardial Response Corresponds to Severity.Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine. 2021 May 21;8:660246.

(4)Zhang ZH#, Liu NN#, Chen XH, Zhang FC, Kong TY, Tang XY, Yang QL, Chen WY, Xiong XM*, Chen XH*. UCHL1 regulates inflammation via MAPK and NF-κB pathways in LPS-activated macrophages.Cell biology international. 2021 Oct;45(10):2107-2117.

(5)Tang XY, Jiang HL, Lin PY, Zhang ZH, Chen MT, Zhang Y, Mo JR, Zhu YC,Liu NN*, Chen XH*. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 regulates HIF-1α degradation to inhibit apoptosis in hypoxic cardiomyocytes.Cell Death Discovery. 2021 Sep 16;7(1):242.

(6)Ling SS, Jin LJ, Li SZ, Zhang FC, Xu Q, Liu MK, Chen XK, Liu XL, Gu JL, Liu SM,Liu NN*, Ou WC*. Allium macrostemon Saponin Inhibits Activation of Platelet via the CD40 Signaling Pathway.Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021, 11:570603.

(7)Xu Q#, Liu MK#, Zhang FC, Liu XL, Ling SS, Chen XK, Gu JL, Ou WC, Liu SM*,Liu NN*. Ubiquitin-specific protease 2 regulates AngⅡ-induced cardiac fibroblasts activation by up-regulating cyclin D1 and stabilizing β-catenin in vitro.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2021,25(2):1001-1011.

(8)Xia XH, Xu Q, Liu MK, Chen XK, Liu XL, He JC, Hu TM, Yu CF, Huang HB, Liu SM*,LiuNN*. Deubiquitination of CD36 by UCHL1 promotes foam cell formation.Cell Death & Disease. 2020, 11(8):636.

(9)Xia XH#, Hu TM#, He JC, Xu Q, Yu CF, Liu XL, Shao ZL, Liao YN, Huang HB*,Liu NN*. USP10 deletion inhibits macrophage-derived foam cell formation and cellular-oxidized low density lipoprotein uptake by promoting the degradation of CD36.Aging (Albany NY). 2020, 12(22):22892-22905.

(10)Xia X#, He J#, Liu B, Shao Z, Xu Q, Hu T, Yu C, Liu X, Liao Y,Liu N*, Huang H*. Targeting ERα degradation by L-Tetrahydropalmatine provides a novel strategy for breast cancer treatment.International journal of biological sciences. 2020 May 18;16(12):2192-2204.

(11)Zhang FC#, Xia XH#, Chai RJ#, Xu RQ, Xu Q, Liu MK, Chen XK, Liu B, Liu SM*,Liu NN*. Inhibition of USP14 suppresses the formation of foam cell by promoting CD36 degradation.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2020, 24(6):3292-3302.

(12)Zhang FC#, Xu RQ#, Chai RJ#, Xu Q, Liu MK, Chen XK, Chen XH, Kong TY, Zhang CY, Liu SM, Zhang ZH*,Liu NN*. Deubiquitinase inhibitor b-AP15 attenuated LPS-induced inflammation via inhibiting ERK1/2, JNK and NF-kappa B.Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2020 Apr 22;7:49.

(13)Xu RQ#, Zhang FC#, Chai RJ#, Zhou WY, Hu M, Liu B, Chen XK, Liu MK, Xu Q,Liu NN*, Liu SM*. Exosomes derived from pro-inflammatory bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells reduce inflammation and myocardial injury via mediating macrophage polarization.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2019, 23(11):7617-7631.

(14)Liao Y#,Liu N#, Xia X, Guo Z, Li Y, Jiang L, Zhou R, Tang D, Huang H, Liu J. USP10 modulates the SKP2/Bcr-Abl axis via stabilizing SKP2 in chronic myeloid leukemia.Cell discovery. 2019 Apr 30;5:24.

(15)Liu N#, Guo Z, Xia X, Liao Y, Zhang F, Huang C, Liu Y, Deng X, Jiang L, Wang X, Liu J, Huang H. Auranofin lethality to prostate cancer includes inhibition of proteasomal deubiquitinases and disrupted androgen receptor signaling.European journal of pharmacology. 2019 Mar 5;846:1-11.

(16)Hu M#, Zhang Z#, Liu B#, et al., Liu S*,Liu N*. Deubiquitinase inhibitor auranofin attenuated cardiac hypertrophy via blocking NF-κB activation.Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 45(6):2421-2430.

(17)Hu M, Guo G, Huang Q, Cheng C, Xu R, Li A,Liu N*, Liu S*. The Harsh Microenvironment In Infarcted Heart Accelerates Transplanted Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Injury:The Role of Injured Cardiomyocytes and Cardiac Exosomes.Cell Death & Disease. 2018, 9(3): 357.

(18)Liao Y#, Xia X#,Liu N#, Cai J, Guo Z, Li Y, Jiang L, Dou QP, Tang D, Huang H, Liu J. Growth arrest and apoptosis induction in androgen receptor-positive human breast cancer cells by inhibition of USP14-mediated androgen receptor deubiquitination.Oncogene, 2018, 37(14):1896-1910.

(19)Huang H#, Guo M#,Liu N#, Zhao C#, Chen H, Wang X, Liao S, Zhou P, Liao Y, Chen X, Lan X, Chen J, Xu D, Li X, Shi X, Yu L, Nie Y, Wang X, Zhang CE, Liu J. Bilirubin neurotoxicity is associated with proteasome inhibition.Cell Death & Disease. 2017;8(6):e2877.

(20)Liu N#, Kong T#, Chen X#, Hu H, Gu H, Liu S, Chen X, Yang Q, Li A, Xiong X, Zhang Z. Ubiquitin-specific protease 14 regulates LPS-induced inflammation by increasing ERK1/2 phosphorylation and NF-kappaB activation.Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry. 2017;431:87-96.

(21)Liao Y#,Liu N#, Hua X, Cai J, Xia X, Wang X, Huang H, Liu J. Proteasome-associated deubiquitinase ubiquitin-specific protease 14 regulates prostate cancer proliferation by deubiquitinating and stabilizing androgen receptor.Cell death & disease. 2017 Feb 2;8(2):e2585.

(22)Liu N#, Chai R#, Liu B#, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Zhang J, Liao Y, Cai J, Xia X, Li A, Liu J, Huang H, Liu S. Ubiquitin-specific protease 14 regulates cardiac hypertrophy progression by increasing GSK-3beta phosphorylation.Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2016;478:1236-41.

(23)Liu B#,Liu NN#, Liu WH#, Zhang SW, Zhang JZ, Li AQ, Liu SM.. Inhibition of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 reduces cardiac fibroblast proliferation by suppressing GATA Binding Protein 4.Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2016;475:329-34.

(24)Liu N, Huang H, Dou QP, Liu J. Inhibition of 19S proteasome-associated deubiquitinases by metal-containing compounds.Oncoscience. 2015;2:457-66.

(25)Liu N#, Li X#, Huang H#, Zhao C#, Liao S#, Yang C#, Liu S#, Yang C, Liu S, Song W, Lu X, Lan X, Chen X, Yi S, Xu L, Jiang L, Zhao C, Dong X, Zhou P, Li S, Wang S, Shi X, Dou PQ, Wang X, Liu J. Clinically used antirheumatic agent auranofin is a proteasomal deubiquitinase inhibitor and inhibits tumor growth.Oncotarget. 2014;5:5453-71.

(26)Liu N#, Liu C#, Li X#, Liao S#, Song W#, Yang C#, Zhao C#, Huang H#, Guan L, Zhang P, Liu S, Hua X, Chen X, Zhou P, Lan X, Yi S, Wang S, Wang X, Dou QP, Liu J. A novel proteasome inhibitor suppresses tumor growth via targeting both 19S proteasome deubiquitinases and 20S proteolytic peptidases.Scientific reports. 2014;4:5240.

(27)Liu N#, Huang H#, Xu L, Hua X, Li X, Liu S, Yang C, Zhao C, Zhao C, Li S, Dou QP, Liu J. The combination of proteasome inhibitors bortezomib and gambogic acid triggers synergistic cytotoxicity in vitro but not in vivo.Toxicology letters. 2014;224:333-40.

(28)Huang H#, Hua X#,Liu N#, Li X, Liu S, Chen X, Zhao C, Lan X, Yang C, Dou QP, Liu J. Anacardic acid induces cell apoptosis associated with induction of ATF4-dependent endoplasmic reticulum stress.Toxicology letters. 2014;228:170-8.

(29)Liu N#, Huang H#, Liu S, Li X, Yang C, Dou QP, Liu J. Calcium channel blocker verapamil accelerates gambogic acid-induced cytotoxicity via enhancing proteasome inhibition and ROS generation.Toxicology in vitro. 2014;28:419-25.

(30)Li XF#, Liu ST#, Huang H#,Liu NN#, Zhao C#, Liao S#, Yang C, Liu Y, Zhao C, Li S, Lu X, Liu C, Guan L, Zhao K, Shi X, Song W, Zhou P, Dong X, Guo H, Wen G, Zhang C, Jiang L, Ma N, Li B, Wang S, Tan H, Wang X, Dou QP* and Liu J*. Gambogic acid is a tissue-specific proteasome inhibitor in vitro and in vivo.Cell reports.2013;3:211-22.

(31)Huang HB#,Liu NN#, Guo H#, Liao S, Li X, Yang C, Liu S, Song W, Liu C, Guan L, Li B, Xu L, Zhang C, Wang X, Dou QP* and Liu J*. L-carnitine is an endogenous HDAC inhibitor selectively inhibiting cancer cell growth in vivo and in vitro.PloS one. 2012;7:e49062.

(32)Huang HB#,Liu NN#, Yang C#, Liao S, Guo H, Zhao K, Li X, Liu S, Guan L, Liu C, Xu L, Zhang C, Song W, Li B, Tang P, Dou QP* and Liu J*. HDAC inhibitor L-carnitine and proteasome inhibitor bortezomib synergistically exert anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo.PloS one. 2012;7:e52576.

(33)Huang HB#, Zhang X#, Li S#,Liu NN#, Lian W#, McDowell E, Zhou P, Zhao C, Guo H, Zhang C, Yang C, Wen G, Dong X, Lu L, Ma N, Dong W, Dou QP, Wang X* and Liu J*. Physiological levels of ATP negatively regulate proteasome function.Cell research. 2010;20:1372-85.

#equal contribution; *Co-corresponding author

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