

于水莲,医学博士,毕业于香港中文大学医学院,哈佛大学博士后,哈佛大学附属Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center风湿免疫中心Research Fellow,广州医科大学附属第二医院风湿免疫科副主任医师,硕士研究生导师。

目前主要临床及研究方向为探讨靶向单细胞的纳米递送系统治疗狼疮性肾炎。现主持主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部博士点新教师基金、香港风湿病学会年度研究基金、广东省自然科学基金等国家及省市级科研项目9项。近年来在A&R、ART、JR、JCI insight、Lupus等国际杂志发表多篇SCI论文,先后在美国ACR年会、欧洲EULAR年会、亚太APLAR年会、日本JCR年会等国际学术会议发言多次,分别获EULAR、APLAR、JCR青年研究者奖、两次获“广州市高层次卫生骨干人才”。

现任中国医师协会风湿免疫医师分会青年委员、广东省医院协会风湿免疫科管理专业委员会常务委员兼秘书、广东省保健协会风湿免疫分会副主任委员、广东省药学会风湿免疫用药专家委员会常务委员、广东省女医师协会风湿免疫专业委员会常务委员,广东省医师协会风湿病学分会狼疮专业组委员、广东省医会学风湿病学分会委员、广州市 医学会风湿病学分会狼疮专业组委员、美国风湿病学会会员等。


1. Yu SL, Li H; Satyam A; Rose S; Jordan J; Tsokos G; Interleukin-23 Acts Directly on Podocytes and Contributes to the Development of Glomerulonephritis, ACR Convergence 2020, All Virtual, 2020.11.5.

2. Meidan E, Li H, Pan WL, Kono M, Yu SL, Kyttaris VC, Ioannidis C, Rodriguez NR, Crispin JC, Apostolidis SA, Lee PY, Manis J, Sharabi A, Tsokos M, Tsokos GC. Serine/threonine phosphatase PP2A is essential for optimal B cell function, JCI Insight, 2020, 5(5).

3. Yu SL, Huo YB,Huang CH, Tao Y; Huang WH, Wong CK,Tam LS, Qiu HN, Chen RL, Huang CH; Zhong L. IL-33/ST2-mediated inflammation in endothelial cell is directly aggravated by IL-6 during lupus nephritis, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018.6.13.

4. Yu SL, Wong CK, Szeto CC, Li EK, Cai Z and Tam LS. Members of the receptor for advanced glycation end products axis as potential therapeutic targets in patients with lupus nephritis. Lupus. 2015; 24: 675-86.

5. Shen J, Shang Q, Wong CK, et al. IL-33 and soluble ST2 levels as novel predictors for remission and progression of carotid plaque in early rheumatoid arthritis: A prospective study. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2015; 45: 18-27.

6. Yu SL, Wong CK and Tam LS. The alarmin functions of high-mobility group box-1 and IL-33 in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2013; 9: 739-49.

7. Tam LS, Shang Q, Li EK, et al. Serum soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products levels and aortic augmentation index in early rheumatoid arthritis-a prospective study. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2013; 42: 333-45.

8. Yu SL, Kuan WP, Wong CK, Li EK and Tam LS. Immunopathological roles of cytokines, chemokines, signaling molecules, and pattern-recognition receptors in systemic lupus erythematosus. Clin Dev Immunol. 2012; 2012: 715190.

9. Yu SL, Chan PK, Wong CK, et al. Antagonist-mediated down-regulation of Toll-like receptors increases the prevalence of human papillomavirus infection in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012; 14: R80.

10. Tam LS, Shang Q, Li EK, et al. Infliximab is associated with improvement in arterial stiffness in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis -a randomized trial. J Rheumatol. 2012; 39: 2267-75.

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